Employment: Job Openings by commune [Blog dashboard]

All too often when analysing the unemployment market we see statistics on a country level. However, it is equally important to keep an eye on the ratio of job openings and jobseekers in each municipality.

Why is that relevant? The closer the jobs to the unemployed, the easier it is to find a match and hence reduce unemployment. Also in the context of green transition and work-life balance the goal is to reduce the distance to work, and hence cut down traffic and pollution.

In this analysis we show you the unemployment rate by commune and compare it with the job openings. Standing out are communes such as Leudelange, Sandweiler and Contern with more than 3 times the number of job openings compared to the number of unemployed. That is in contrast with areas such as Esch-sur-Alzette, which has the highest unemployment rate of Luxembourg at 4.4% (1,602 people), has only 415 job openings (0.3x jobs per unemployed).

This blog dashboard (called “blog“ due to the small square size which fits into a blog post) allows you to sort the communes by unemployment rate, job openings ratio, and A-Z. The darker the area on the map the higher the job openings ratio. Click on a commune and also see the type of job openings.



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